Classic Pong Game Using Python and Pygame | Challenge

# Introduction In this project, you will learn how to create a Pong game using Python and the Pygame library. Pong is a classic two-player arcade game where players control paddles to hit a ball past each other. To complete this project, you will need to follow the steps below. We will start by creating the project files and setting up the game window. Then, we will define the colors and set up the paddles and ball. Finally, we will move the paddles and ball, handle collisions, and draw the game elements. ## 👀 Preview ![Alt text]( ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn to: - Create the project files - Set up the game window - Set up the paddles and ball - Set up the game variables - Set up the game loop - Move the paddles - Move the ball - Handle ball collisions - Update scores and reset the ball - Handle power-up collisions and movement - Draw the game elements - Draw the score - Update the display - Set the frames per second (FPS) - Quit the game ## 🏆 Achievements In this project, you will learn: - How to use the Pygame library to create a game window - How to set up and move game objects like paddles and a ball - How to handle collisions between game objects - How to update and display game scores - How to set the frames per second (FPS) for the game - How to quit the game properly Now, let's start creating the Pong game!

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