Build Maze Game Using Pygame

# Introduction In this project, we will create a maze game using the Pygame library in Python. The game involves navigating a player through a maze to collect food items while avoiding walls. We will split the development process into multiple steps to make it easier to understand and follow along. ## 👀 Preview ![Alt text]( ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn: - How to set up the game environment using Pygame - How to create the maze using cells and walls - How to add food items for the player to collect - How to implement player movement and collision detection - How to handle game logic, including scoring and game over conditions - How to keep track of the player's record - How to display game statistics such as time, score, and record on the screen ## 🏆 Achievements After completing this project, you will be able to: - Use the Pygame library for game development - Apply object-oriented programming concepts to create game elements - Demonstrate algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills for maze generation - Handle event processing and player input - Implement collision detection and movement mechanics in a game environment - Manage file handling for storing and retrieving game records - Display game statistics and information on the screen

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