Linux User Identifying

# Introduction Welcome to the not-so-distant future in the thriving sci-fi space city of "Neoterica", where humanity has seamlessly integrated advanced technology into every aspect of life. In this bustling metropolis of glittering skyscrapers and floating vehicles, lives famed science fiction writer, “Nova Eclipse”, known for her captivating novels that explore the depths of human identity within the boundless expanse of the cosmos. In this lab, Nova has reached out for your help to authenticate the users accessing the mainframe of her new AI-driven typewriter. This machine, affectionately dubbed as "The Scribe", houses her unfinished manuscripts, research materials, and personal notes for the next bestseller. Your mission is to ensure that only authorized users, including Nova, can unlock the secrets within “The Scribe”. The skill you will master is the fundamental Linux command `whoami`, which will be the key to identifying each user trying to access the system.

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