Linux Non-interactive Downloading

# Introduction Welcome to the enchanting world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, nestled in the Scottish highlands. Here, students are immersed in the magical arts, learning spells, potions, and the care of magical creatures. In this lab, you'll step into the role of a young wizard named Charlie, part of the Hufflepuff house, known for their dedication and hard work. Charlie has been assigned to gather various materials for the upcoming "Care of Magical Creatures" class. With a list of resources to collect, detailing everything from dragon diet specifics to the migratory patterns of hippogriffs, Charlie has decided to use the art of Linux wizardry to download these resources non-interactively from the internet, using the `wget` command. Your goal is to assist Charlie in mastering `wget` to obtain all the necessary information without any manual intervention, ensuring he's well-prepared for the magical creatures class.

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