Linux Network Monitoring

# Introduction Welcome to the future - the year is 2150, and you are an esteemed explorer of Aspharion, an underground city known for its advanced technologies and thriving cyber community. Cut off from the surface because of harsh environmental conditions, Aspharion has evolved independently, developing unique networking infrastructures essential for the survival of its inhabitants. As a trailblazer of this subterranean society, your mission is to ensure the stability and security of Aspharion's networks. You must master the artful dance of monitoring network connections and services to prevent any disruptions that could endanger the community living beneath the earth's surface. Your primary tool for this quest is `netstat`, a powerful command-line utility that depicts the network in its most raw form - a tableau of protocols, addresses, and statuses. The goal of this lab is to empower you with the skills to use `netstat` proficiently. By the end of your exploration, you will unveil the veiled intricacies of the Aspharion networks, ensuring that this underground realm thrives for years to come.

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