Linux I/O Redirecting

# Introduction In the grandeur of ancient Rome, imagine a vast, sand-covered arena surrounded by the colossal marble structures emanating the deafening cheers of the crowd. Within this arena, gladiatorial combats showcased strength, strategy, and mastery of weapons. Among these combatants is Lucius, a seasoned gladiator known for his cunning and technical prowess. Lucius's most acclaimed triumph isn't just in his ability to defeat his opponents but also in how he channels the chaos of the battlefield to his advantage, redirecting attacks and turning the clash's flow in his favor. As a modern-day keyboard warrior and enthusiast of the Linux operating system, you're about to step into the virtual Coliseum of I/O redirectionโ€”a vital skill set for any command-line gladiator. Your objective is to master the redirection of input, output, and error streams, to conquer command-line tasks with the same finesse and precision as Lucius in his battles. The crowd roars in anticipation; it's time to face the challenge head-on and emerge victorious.

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