Linux File Space Estimating

# Introduction In the ancient Greek Olympic arena, revered amongst those of athletics and wisdom, there was a concept not known to many – the art of space estimation. This art was not about the physical distances in the broad sunlit arenas, but about the spaces within the sacred scrolls that contained the wisdom of countless generations. Amongst the Olympic priests, there was a learned figure, known for his wisdom in managing these valuable scrolls. As days turned to nights, scrolls turned to tomes, and the need to efficiently manage space became paramount. Hence, the Olympic priest embarked on a mission to teach his apprentices the way of Linux file space estimation using the `du` command – a skill as critical as any when in the pursuit of order and knowledge management. Your goal in this lab is to step into the sandals of an apprentice and master the techniques taught by the Olympic priest, estimating file space with precision and insight on a Linux system. Your journey will be exciting and will open doors to the knowledge akin to the old wise scholars of the Olympic arena.

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