Linux File Paging

# Introduction Welcome to the edge of the computing realm, a land of cyberspace where the bits and bytes come to life. In this very dimension, there exists a domain most daunting—the Daemon Hell, a place where processes run amok without order and files stack as high as mountains, threatening to overwhelm the bravest of data warriors. Your guide and mentor in this treacherous land is the mysterious Lich of the Log—a sorcerer of the system, master of memory management, and keeper of knowledge. He stands as the solitary lord over a sprawling castle of cryptic code and enigmatic errata. The Lich has sensed an imbalance in the flow of data, as if an unseen force is causing crucial information to spiral into the abyss of forgotten fragments. The challenge you face is to tame the chaos through mastering the ancient art of `less`, the scrying spell that allows the wise to view but not alter, to navigate but not disturb. Will you rise to the challenge, reclaim order from chaos, and become a true adept of the arcane `less` command?

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