Linux Arithmetic Calculations

# Introduction Welcome to the year 2150, in a sprawling underground community beneath the megalopolis known as Neo-Babylon. As the surface of the planet became inhospitable, mankind has retreated into the earth's crust, building vast networks of interconnected living spaces, commerce hubs, and industrial sectors. In this new world, technology has progressed by leaps and bounds, but so has the complexity of its operations and the need for skilled operatives. You are a member of the Resistance, a group of elite underground operatives fighting against the tyrannical super-corporations that control the heart of Neo-Babylon. Your mission today, should you choose to accept it, involves infiltrating the central computing nexus and cracking into its mainframe. To succeed, you will need to become a master of `bc`, the powerful Linux command-line calculator. Only by mastering arithmetic calculations on the Linux system can you hope to navigate through the cryptographic barriers and unlock the secrets that will lead your band of rebels to a victorious uprising. This Lab will equip you with the knowledge to perform complex arithmetic computations and to script these operations, which are crucial for decoding the encrypted messages you'll encounter in the field. Your journey into the Linux underground begins now!

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