Git Fundamentals: Add, Commit, Status, Diff

# Introduction <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"> <p>🧑‍💻 New to Git or LabEx? We recommend starting with the <b><a style="color: unset;text-decoration: underline;" href="" target="_blank">Quick Start with Git</a></b> course.</p> </div> This challenge will test your knowledge of basic Git commands, specifically `git add`, `git commit`, `git status`, and `git diff`. These commands are essential for version control and managing changes to your Git repository. ## Achievements - `git add`: This command adds changes to the staging area, preparing them to be committed. - `git commit`: This command saves changes to the repository, creating a new commit with a unique ID. - `git status`: This command shows the current status of the repository, including which changes are staged and which are not. - `git diff`: This command shows the differences between two states of a file or between two different files.

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