HTML Element Manipulation using JavaScript

# Introduction HTML is the foundation of every webpage. Understanding how to manipulate it dynamically using JavaScript allows developers to create more interactive and responsive web applications. This challenge is designed to test your skills in manipulating HTML elements using JavaScript. You will create, read, update, and delete HTML elements using various JavaScript methods. In this project, you'll find files that are structured to help you test and understand the core functionalities of dynamic HTML element manipulation: - `index.html`: This is the example HTML file for testing. It provides a basic structure which your JavaScript code will interact with. - `js/`: These are the JavaScript files in this directory where you will write your functions to manipulate the webpage: - `setup.js`: This script is essential for setting up the environment to use the DOM within the terminal. - `read.js`: Has template functions to read or retrieve information from existing elements. - `add.js`: Contains template functions to add new HTML elements. - `modify.js`: Includes template functions to change or update content within elements. - `delete.js`: Holds the template functions to remove elements from the DOM. - `node_modules/`: You can ignore it. This directory contains all the npm packages that are used in the project, which provide additional functionality or are dependencies for the project to run. - `package-lock.json`: You can ignore it. A file that keeps track of the exact version of every package that is installed so that a product is 100% reproducible in the same way even if packages are updated by their maintainers.

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