Christmas Wish List Builder with React

# Introduction This project guides you through building a festive Christmas Wish List Builder web application using React. The app features a beautiful full-screen Christmas-themed background and a charming snowfall animation, enhancing the holiday spirit. Users can add wishes to a semi-transparent wish wall, and each wish is presented as a postcard. We'll use React for the frontend and CSS for styling and animations. > Note: This project is primarily built using Material UI and React. ## 👀 Preview ![Wish List Builder Preview]( ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn to: - Set up a React project - Create a Snowflakes component for falling snow animation - Build an Add Wish Form component for users to input their wishes - Implement a Wish List component to display added wishes on a wish wall - Create a Postcard component to show each wish as a postcard - Style the application using CSS - Assemble the main App component - Launch the Christmas Wish List Builder in a web browser ## 🏆 Achievements In this project, you will learn: - How to set up a React project and install dependencies - How to create functional components in React - How to use React hooks, such as useState, to manage state in components - How to pass data between parent and child components using props - How to handle form submissions in React - How to style a React application using CSS - How to build a visually appealing and interactive web application using React and CSS

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