Royal Data Magic Schema

# Introduction In the enchanting realm of the Royal Academy of Wizardry, where the art of magic intertwines with the pursuit of knowledge, a young Royal Guard named Arthor finds himself tasked with a crucial mission. The Academy's vast collection of ancient tomes and scrolls, containing invaluable wisdom and spells, has grown increasingly disorganized over the centuries. The Head Wizard, Merlinious the Wise, recognizes the urgent need to establish a robust and efficient system to manage this immense wealth of information. Arthor's objective is to design and implement a comprehensive schema for the Academy's data, ensuring that the knowledge contained within these ancient records is easily accessible and well-structured. By harnessing the power of Hadoop and its components, particularly Hive, he will create a reliable and scalable data management solution that will aid the Academy's scholars and wizards in their pursuit of knowledge and magical mastery.

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