Implementing React Navigation Features


In this project, you will learn how to implement navigation features in a React application. You will create a simple application with a navigation bar and pages that can be navigated to using links.



In this project, you will learn how to implement navigation features in a React application. You will create a simple application with a navigation bar and pages that can be navigated to using links.

👀 Preview

project preview

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to set up the project and install dependencies
  • How to add routes and route matchers to enable navigation of the menus in the navigation bar
  • How to add navigation from the card list to individual cards

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Use React Router to handle client-side routing
  • Create links and navigate between different pages in a React application
  • Pass data between components using the state object in React Router




Labby is the LabEx teacher.