Delete Expired Course Information


In this project, you will learn how to manage and maintain a database of course information. The main task is to delete expired course information from the database using SQL commands.



In this project, you will learn how to manage and maintain a database of course information. The main task is to delete expired course information from the database using SQL commands.

👀 Preview

MySQL [edusys]> SELECT * FROM course;
| course_id | title                      | dept_name  | credits |
| BIO-101   | Intro. to Biology          | Biology    |       4 |
| BIO-399   | Computational Biology      | Biology    |       3 |
| CS-101    | Intro. to Computer Science | Comp. Sci. |       4 |
| CS-190    | Game Design                | Comp. Sci. |       4 |
| CS-315    | Robotics                   | Comp. Sci. |       3 |
| CS-319    | Image Processing           | Comp. Sci. |       3 |
| CS-347    | Database System Concepts   | Comp. Sci. |       3 |
| EE-181    | Intro. to Digital Systems  | Elec. Eng. |       3 |
| FIN-201   | Investment Banking         | Finance    |       3 |
| HIS-351   | World History              | History    |       3 |
| MU-199    | Music Video Production     | Music      |       3 |
| PHY-101   | Physical Principles        | Physics    |       4 |
12 rows in set (0.000 sec)

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to start the MySQL server and log into the MySQL terminal
  • How to import data from an SQL script into the database
  • How to use the DELETE statement to remove specific records from a table

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic operations of a relational database management system (RDBMS) like MySQL
  • Write SQL queries to manipulate data in a database
  • Develop scripts to automate database management tasks




Labby is the LabEx teacher.